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Effect of fiber dispersion on broadband chaos communications implemented by electro-optic nonlinear delay phase dynamics




We investigate theoretically and experimentally\udthe detrimental e ect of ber dispersion on the synchroniza-\udtion of an optoelectronic phase chaos cryptosystem. We\udevaluate the root-mean square synchronization error and\udthe cancellation spectra between the emitter and the re-\udceiver in order to characterize the quality of the optical\ud ber communication link. These two indicators explicitly\udshow in temporal and spectral domain how ber dispersion\uddoes negatively a ect the phase chaos cancellation at the re-\udceiver stage. We demonstrate that the dispersion manage-\udment techniques used in conventional optical ber networks,\udsuch as dispersion-compensating modules/ bers or disper-\udsion shifted bers, are also e cient to strongly reduce the\uddetrimental e ects of ber propagation in phase chaos com-\udmunications. This compatibility therefore opens the way to\uda successful integration of more than 10-Gb/s phase chaos\udcommunications systems in existing networks, even when\udthe ber link spans over more than 100 km.
机译:我们在理论上和实验上研究了BER色散对光电子相位混沌密码系统的同步化的有害影响。我们\ u \ u200b \ u200b评估均方根同步误差和\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\“ \\”,\\\“接收\\”,和\“抵消频谱”,以便表征光学\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\,-,\,\,\,-,-,-,-,-这两个指示符在时域和频谱域中明确地\ ud示出了BER色散如何\ u \ u200b \ u200b \ u200b \ u200b \ u200b \ u200b \ u200b \ u200b在反接收器阶段对相位混沌消除的负面影响。我们证明,在常规光纤ber网络中使用的色散管理/累加技术,例如色散补偿模块/ bers或色散/累加移位的bers,也很有效地减少了ber传播中的\有害影响。相位混乱通信。因此,这种兼容性为在现有网络中成功集成10 Gb / s以上相位混沌通信系统的方式提供了便利,即使ber链路跨度超过100 km。



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